Extra income


This is not just another internet list. This is a recommendation based on individual, personal experience. I hope you find it helpful!

Extra Income

Things To Consider

At the end of the day, who doesn’t want a little extra income? I certainly don’t think Jeff Bezos is looking around going, “Yeah, I think I’ll back it off a little.”

But when we start thinking about extra income, side hustles, etc., there are some things to take into consideration.

Do you want to work FOR someone? This guarantees some degree of success, but can put you on someone else’s schedule.

On the other hand, working in a more entrepreneurial type side gig may mean long stretches with no money coming in. It may be a bigger payoff when it does come, but how fast and consistently do you want the money?

What I’ve tried to offer here are opportunities that strike a balance. In most of these ideas, you’ll have someone in your corner to help you get gigs and ensure you get paid. At the same time, you’ll be able to set your own schedule.

See what you think!

Extra Income Idea #1: Teach Online


I know, I know. Most of the people reading this are saying, “I’m not a teacher, and I don’t want to be.” I get that, but hear me out here: this is easy, good money.

I have made thousands of dollars with these gigs. And what they boil down to is either reading a bunch of slides to students learning English in China or teaching just about anything you’d like to kids right here in America.

Yes, thousands of dollars.

So, two options I HIGHLY recommend here:

  1. VIPKid – On this platform, you will create your own schedule where children in China can book you for one-on-one English lessons. But here’s the catch. The lessons are made for you, and amount to little more than guiding the student (who already knows some English) through an interactive Power Point type slide show. The process of getting hired may take a little prep, but you can find all the info you need to get ready for free on YouTube. This is a GREAT side gig! Check out VIPKid.
  2. Outschool – This platform has really taken off recently. Unlike VIPKid, on this platform you’ll be teaching students in America and designing your own lessons. However, this small amount of extra work can have a big payout. On Outschool, you choose how many students can take your class at a time AND how much you charge them. You can make some serious money here if you’re willing to do a little front end work. Again, a little time on YouTube and you’ll be ready to go. Check out Outschool today.

Did I mention the thousands of dollars I’ve personally made doing this? This is legit, build your own schedule, work online from home stuff.

Extra Income Idea #2: Grocery Delivery

If you’re willing to leave the house, but still want to work when you want to work, delivery services may be a good option for you. I know people who have made thousands of dollars doing grocery delivery using some well-known, legitimate services.

The general idea with all of these is the same. You’re paid to be someone’s personal shopper. They place a grocery order, you drive to the store, shop on their behalf, and take it to their house. You’ll see your expected pay before accepting the order, though a tip may also be involved.

This is simple work with a great payout.

Two services to try:

  1. Shipt
  2. Instacart

Extra Income Idea #3: Food Delivery

If you like the idea of delivery on your schedule and the possibility of good tips on top of guaranteed pay, but aren’t a huge shopping fan, welcome to the club. That’s why rather than grocery delivery, I’ve personally done restaurant delivery.

The idea here is very similar to what I just explained above. The difference is that you’ll spend more time in your car and less time in a store. In this gig, a customer places an order, the app shows your expected pay, you decide if you want to accept the order, you drive to pick it up, and then you drop it off. Many times the only walk is from the car to the front door and back.

This is easily the easiest gig on the list. If you can drive, you can do it. Again, I’ve done it personally, and it’s good pay for easy work. (If you consider driving around listening to Podcasts work…)

If you like this idea, check out these companies:

  1. Doordash
  2. Uber Eats

Extra Income Idea #4: Fiverr

Another great way to make money online, from the comfort of your home, is through the website fiverr.com.

The principle here is very simple. Basically, make an account, decide on a service you can provide and how much it’s worth to provide it, and list the service. Again, you decide your service and price. That’s the good part.

The tough part might be cutting through the noise and getting found. For info on how to accomplish this, definitely hit YouTube and do a little research. It’s definitely doable, it may just take time.

The services offered on Fiverr cover just about anything you can imagine. And what you offer does not need to be anything requiring a lot of skill. Sometimes, people just don’t want to bother with something simple and will pay someone $10 to have it done. Get creative.

Check out Fiverr today!

Extra Income Idea #5: Freelance Within Your Field

The last idea I’ll throw your way is to stick within your field of expertise. This is a little more entrepreneurial in nature, though depending on your expertise a site like Fiverr could help get your offer out there. But, chances are that you already know your target audience if it’s your expertise, and may have some idea how to attract customers.

I do this regularly. I mentioned I’m a teacher, but I’m also a professional musician. I arrange music on the side and can easily make more doing this than all the other gigs mentioned here combined in a good year.

If you have skill, which you do, find a way to market it for profit!

Why Feature These?

So why these five ideas then?

Like I said before, I feel they strike a balance between working for someone part-time (food industry anyone?) and being a full-blown entrepreneur (not everyone is cut out for YouTube stardom).

I also chose these because I have some sort of experience with each of them, either because I have done them personally, used the services personally, or know someone who has done very well with them. This is not just another internet list. This is a recommendation based on individual, personal experience. I hope you find it helpful!

And as always, regardless of your money goals, you can “Bank on a Budget” to get you from where you are to where you want to be!

In most of these ideas, you’ll have someone in your corner to help you get gigs and ensure you get paid. At the same time, you’ll be able to set your own schedule.

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Hello, my name is Alex! I'm a public school teacher who has achieved some big financial goals just by getting control of my money using some simple strategies like using a monthly budget. Now I'd like to share what I've learned with you. Welcome to "Bank on a Budget!"

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