“Video games are meant to be just one thing: Fun! Fun for everyone.”
Satoru Iwata

A Little Investment Goes A Long Way
Yes, I know video games are expensive. And I realize including a post about video games in a list of ways to cut costs may seem a little backwards. But hear me out.
All the games I’m recommending here are Nintendo games. The Nintendo Switch is easily the least expensive option when it comes to purchasing the latest console when compared to Playstation and Xbox.
On top of that, the console itself is portable, and can be taken to friend’s and family’s houses with little to no issue. I regularly take mine to school for reward days for my students.
And, to round off my argument, you may have to invest a little upfront to get the system and the games, but then you’re set. For a family of four, avoiding three or four movie nights at the theater easily brings you to break even, and everything on top of that is money saved!
See? Costs cut.
Video Game #1: Mario Kart
The first game every Switch owner should have is undoubtedly Mario Kart. If you aren’t familiar, it’s very simple.
You pick your character, your vehicle, and a race track. Then you race. Steer with one thumb, gas with the other thumb.
Anyone can play this game on the most basic level and have a blast. But, as you get more comfortable you’ll start to learn how to drift, use the breaks effectively, and even use cartoonish weapons to move through the ranks during races.
This game has been a family game night standard since it debuted on the Super Nintendo in the 90s. The most recent version is one of the best installments yet!
Seriously, grab a copy of Mario Kart! It’s a one time purchase that will give your family years of enjoyment.
Video Game #2: Mario Party
Another great family and friends game in the Nintendo line up is Mario Party.
This game is actually a cross between traditional board games and a video game, with variable rule sets depending on your chosen map and preferences. The basic ideas that exist in nearly all forms of the main game are simple. Choose a character, roll a die, trigger an action based on where you land, and try to get stars.
At the end of each round of turns, you’ll play a mini game. These games are SO easy and SO much fun. They usually just require you to use the joy stick and one button, occasionally two. Any parents can do just as well as their full-time gaming child at these little games. The motion controls in the Switch controllers add another level of interest to the whole experience.
Mario Party is the perfect substitute for a traditional board game night with kids that don’t have the attention span for a round of Parcheesi. Give it a try!
Video Game #3: Super Smash Bros.
The last game I’ll mention here is Super Smash Bros.
It’s probably more of a dad game if I’m being honest. My wife is actually very good at this game, but she just doesn’t have a ton of interest in playing for very long. Most of my students at school also have stories of long nights of Smashing with their dads. So, mom, if you want to plug the family in for a while and curl up with a book or a podcast, you’ll want to grab this one.
The premise here is really the simplest yet. Pick a character and beat up all the other characters your friends and family pick. In the traditional stock mode, just last the longest in the fight to win.
The complexity comes from the fact that every character has it’s own set of special moves to learn, and there are a TON of characters in the latest edition of this game. But, most people choose to learn one or two and just have a good time with those.
I should caution that, in comparison to the other two games, Smash obviously has some cartoon violence. So take that into account with younger kids.
But, if you feel like a good old fashioned head to head fighting game, definitely check out Super Smash Bros!
Wrapping Up
So again, yes, video games have an upfront cost. If you’ve got a serious goal to get out of debt, now is probably not the time to go and buy a Switch.
But, if you’re out of debt and just looking for ways to spend time with your family in the comfort of your own home and avoid the $100 movie theater outings, I say make the investment and have some fun!
Regardless of your money goals, you can “Bank on a Budget” to get you from where you are to where you want to be!
If you’re looking for ways to spend time with your family in the comfort of your own home and avoid the $100 movie theater outings, I say make the investment and have some fun!
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Do you have any favorite video games to play with your friends and family? Share with us!