Budget Giving Money


Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure — pressed down, shaken together, and running over — will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.

Luke 6:38, CSB

The Case For Giving On A Budget

You came here to learn about winning on a budget, not giving on a budget.

And then, you landed on this page…


Growing up in my family, giving gifts at Christmas time was a big deal. I vividly remember stacks of presents for every family member, regardless of age or generation. (My sister and I, being the youngest generation, naturally had the largest piles.)

It was great! I thought nothing could ever beat getting all those gifts on Christmas day. And please know, it’s not lost on me how blessed I am to have those memories and to have been surrounded by so many people who could make them happen.

However, now I have my own daughter, and no amount of receiving could ever top the joy I get from giving to her!

If you have children, a spouse, or someone else special in your life, you probably understand this.

Nothing beats having the ability to give to others, and a budget makes it possible to do just that!

Giving As A Habit

The explanation above is obviously a very personal example. I think it’s a great place to start because it helps us get our minds around what giving can look and feel like. But why stop there?

I think it’s important that our giving habits reflect a certain level of thought and creativity so we achieve maximum impact.

As an example, my wife and I give 10% of what we bring home to our local church. We choose to do this partially as an act of obedience in accordance with our faith. We also strongly believe in the initiatives our tithes fund, and their impact locally and globally.

While 10% represents our baseline, we also allocate other funds each month to give to other people and causes as opportunities arise.

If you are not a person of faith, there are plenty of other great causes to give to!

Think about who you’d most like to impact, and figure out how to do it. Come up with a percentage you will allocate to giving each month, and commit to doing it. You won’t regret it!

Do This Now

I firmly believe giving should be at the top of your budget (even before paying off debt), because nothing is more important than people helping each other.

Make sure you have your income figured out (Section 1), and all your deductions subtracted (Section 2). Then decide the amount you want to give each month and where that money will go. List those in Section 3 of your budget.

While giving on a budget may seem a little crazy at first, especially if you find yourself in a rough financial situation, the joy of helping others will quickly become evident!

Happy giving!

And remember, regardless of your money goals, you can “Bank on a Budget” to get you from where you are to where you want to be!

Budget At A Glance (So Far)

Section 1: Gross Income

Section 2: Paycheck Deductions

Section 3: Giving

It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Acts 20:35, CSB

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Hello, my name is Alex! I'm a public school teacher who has achieved some big financial goals just by getting control of my money using some simple strategies like using a monthly budget. Now I'd like to share what I've learned with you. Welcome to "Bank on a Budget!"

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