

“If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.”

Dave Ramsey

What Is Ramsey+?

In short, Ramsey+ is Dave Ramsey’s all-in-one software package. The goal is to help you get control of your finances using his financial plan.

If you aren’t familiar with Dave, I’d suggest a quick YouTube search for starters. You’ll be able to get a good idea of his ideology from hearing him answer questions on his radio show. If you like what you hear, subscribe to his podcast.

I’ve also mentioned Dave and his book “The Total Money Makeover” in a previous post about great financial books you need to read (Click Here). Several other books on my list are by members of his team as well.

In Ramsey+, you get access to several tools and lessons Dave and his team have put together in order to deliver a complete explanation of his plan, along with ways to implement it, all in one place.

What’s The Price And Why?

If you’re here, you’re probably already aware of the pricing. And you probably know the pricing seems a little, well, pricey. Especially considering so many of Dave’s readers and listeners are coming into his plan trying to dig out of debt.

Dave charges $129.99 for an annual subscription. This is the least expensive option in the long run.

For those who can’t pull that much together, Dave also offers 6 months for $99.99 or 3 months for $59.99.

It’s worth noting that Dave offers a 14-day free trial. This is more than enough time to plow through the most important of the courses (Financial Peace University) if you really want to see if his plan is for you before paying.

(These prices are accurate at the time of writing, but subject to change.)

Now, is that expensive? Well, sure, it’s not cheap. But, the tools and information are invaluable and well worth the price you pay. Let’s take a look.

What’s Included?

Ramsey+ is divided into 3 sections: Learn, Budget, and Track.

Under “Budget,” you’ll find that you have access to Ramsey Solutions budgeting software, Every Dollar. This is by far my favorite software for setting up and tracking a zero based budget. It’s not the power house, all-in-one personal finance software that you’d get from something like Personal Capital. But, that’s because Ever Dollar is about doing one thing, and doing it very near perfectly. Creating and tracking your budget.

Under “Track,” you’ll find access to the Baby Steps Tracker. This is a relatively straightforward piece of software, but great for anyone who gets motivated by a little visual representation. You tell the tracker what Baby Step you’re on, and the tracker gives you a visual presentation of how far you’ve come and how far you have to go. Once you finish that Baby Step, it’s on to the next.

Under “Learn,” there are currently 6 available courses for members to take.

“Jumpstart” gives new members a quick introduction to Ramsey’s plan so they can get moving fast.

A companion course to their budgeting software, “Budgeting That Actually Works” is a collection of shorter videos walking viewers through the process of setting up their budget.

“The Legacy Journey” is Ramsey’s course dealing with how to handle your wealth once you reach, what Dave calls, Baby Step 7 (the last step of his financial plan). This course is designed to ensure that your wealth is passed on to your loved ones correctly.

Speaking of your loved ones, “Smart Money, Smart Kids,” another course included with Ramsey+, provides all you parents with a plan for teaching your children about finances and how to handle money.

The newest addition to the Ramsey+ course line up is “Know Yourself, Know Your Money.” Here, Ramsey personality Rachel Cruze teaches viewers about what she calls the 7 Money Tendencies in an effort to help you better understand your money habits.

And finally, you’ll have access to the flagship course of the Ramsey curriculum: Financial Peace University.

What Is Financial Peace University?

Financial Peace University is a video-based course taught by Dave himself (along with other members of his team) that covers every detail of his 7 step plan. The course is 9 videos long. It can be taken with an FPU facilitator in a group setting, or be viewed by individuals and families right from home.

Each lesson comes with a downloadable, printable viewing guide. The lessons also provide a checklist to ensure you know exactly what steps you need to take using the new information you’ve learned.

The information in this course is incredible. Dave and his team carefully walk you through his entire plan, and provide you with detailed information about how to protect your money through setting up the right types of insurance. He also gives great information about what types of insurance to avoid.

Is This Right For Me?

Everyone reading this should, at the very least, take advantage of the 14-day free trial. No question. You may decide that you disagree with the vast majority of Dave’s plan (though I can’t imagine how), but I doubt there is anyone who would go through Financial Peace University without learning something. It has that much information.

Beyond that, I’m a huge fan of Every Dollar. For the type of budgeting I recommend, it can’t be beat. That alone is worth the price for me and my wife. I once made the remark that I was going to take a look at a new app I had seen, and her response was, “No. Every Dollar makes sense to me.” You can’t put a price on that level of confidence.

If you have a budgeting app you like, and you get through the 14-day free trial and don’t like what you hear, hold off on the purchase. Pick up some more books from Dave and his team and make sure you’re on board.

But, at the end of the day: Yes, Ramsey+ is really worth the price.

Regardless of your money goals, you can “Bank on a Budget” to get you from where you are to where you want to be!

I’m a huge fan of Every Dollar. For the type of budgeting I recommend, it can’t be beat. That alone is worth the price for me and my wife.

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Hello, my name is Alex! I'm a public school teacher who has achieved some big financial goals just by getting control of my money using some simple strategies like using a monthly budget. Now I'd like to share what I've learned with you. Welcome to "Bank on a Budget!"

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