is food delivery a good side hustle


is food delivery a good side hustle


Doordash, Uber Eats, Grubhub. We know their names. We’ve used their services. But, is food delivery a good side hustle? Well, I’ve actually spent some time doing this with multiple apps, so I feel qualified to answer this with some certainty.

If you’re looking for a side hustle with near total flexibility, no real cap on how much you can earn, and a quick start up process then yes, food delivery is a good side hustle.

To be fair, there are also some cons to go along with all those pros. Let’s take a look a these pros and cons more closely to help you decide if this side hustle is for you.

Is Food Delivery A Good Side Hustle? – Pro: Flexibility

The incredible flexibility these apps provide their drivers is by far my favorite aspect of food delivery. I’ve done quite a few side hustles over the past couple of years, and this one takes the cake in this area.

You can be on the clock any time you want to, and clock out as soon as you’re out of time. That means no worrying about scheduling your life around a side hustle. When you have the time, you can take it or leave it. Totally up to you.

Is Food Delivery A Good Side Hustle? – Con: Uncertainty

On the flip side of flexibility comes a little bit of uncertainty. You’re delivering food. So, if your free time happens to fall between 5 pm and 7 pm, you’re probably going to have a pretty good night. But, if you can only deliver between 2:30 and 4:30, maybe not so much. You’ve probably missed lunch and won’t make dinner.

In this regard, you can’t always be sure that every drive will be equal. In general, if you stay on the clock long enough, you’ll probably get a gig. But there can be a big difference between Making $25+ an hour during highs and $8 an hour during lows.

So, yes, this job is incredibly flexible. But, not all times of day provide equal earning opportunities. This creates some uncertainty concerning how much you can expect to make during any given drive.

Is Food Delivery A Good Side Hustle? – Pro: Tips And Incentives

The tips can be a huge plus in this gig. Most people are going to tip something, and many will tip well. I’ve had gigs where one delivery made me well over $30, and half of that was a tip. Depending on the app, you may or may not see the tip included in the total when you accept the delivery, but even if you don’t, you can generally assume there will be one.

Many delivery services also offer incentives, or little bonuses, per delivery during high demand times of day. So if you live in a very busy area and are able to get in at a very busy time, you can earn several extra dollars per delivery.

Between tips and incentives, the earnings can really start to add up to a good hourly rate at the right times of day.

Is Food Delivery A Good Side Hustle? – Con: Base Rates

In contrast to good tips and incentives, the base pay for deliveries can be a little low. Especially if you’re not driving very far and it’s not a busy time.

I’ve definitely found myself sitting at a restaurant waiting on food for 20 minutes to do a 5 minute drive and only earn $5 or so.

Again, considering the often low base rates, it’s probably best to avoid less busy times of day to ensure that you are maxing out your earnings potential by getting the added incentives of busier times.

Is Food Delivery A Good Side Hustle? – Pro: Quick Start Up

If you need money to start coming in quick, this is a great place to turn. (Assuming there is no waiting list in your area, which is possible.)

You can be up and running in this job in no time. It’s just a matter of scanning in the right documents, completing the application, and logging in after you’re accepted. No interview, no previous experience.

Is Food Delivery A Good Side Hustle? – Con: Gas

This one really got to me when things got slow and I wasn’t having a good drive. The fact is you’re spending a little to make this money by using your gas and putting miles on your car.

Of course you may choose to track all this, but during a slow drive, sometimes I wondered if it was worth the wear and tear.

Is Food Delivery A Good Side Hustle? – Pro: Comfort

And lastly, I love the fact that you can just be comfortable doing this job.

I know it may sound insignificant, but there is something nice about being able to make money in shorts and a t-shirt driving around listening to podcasts. Who doesn’t want to get paid for something that simple??


And that, I believe, is a fair list of the top pros and cons that come to my mind when I think about food delivery.

Again, I’ve done this. Quite a bit actually. And I’ve made some decent money doing it. But, depending on your area, vehicle, and lifestyle, it may or may not be as good of a fit for you. Hopefully this article helped you make that decision.

Again, if you’re looking for a side hustle with near total flexibility, no real cap on how much you can earn, and a quick start up process then yes, in my experience, food delivery is a good side hustle.

And remember, as always, regardless of your money goals, you can “Bank on a Budget” to get you from where you are to where you want to be!

Again, if you’re looking for a side hustle with near total flexibility, no real cap on how much you can earn, and a quick start up process then yes, in my experience, food delivery is a good side hustle.

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Hello, my name is Alex! I'm a public school teacher who has achieved some big financial goals just by getting control of my money using some simple strategies like using a monthly budget. Now I'd like to share what I've learned with you. Welcome to "Bank on a Budget!"

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